Final Harry Potter Movie to be made in two parts
It is official - the last Harry Potter Book "The Deathly Hallows" will be made into two movies. So the book series will have seven book and the movie series will have eight movies. The official reason is that the 608-pages book is too big to be cramped into one three-hour movie.
There are of course three challenges:
(a) All the actors and actresses are already too fucking old. I already shudder at the thought of seeing Harry Potter with a moustache in the upcoming 6th movie "The Half Blood Prince". Already, the stubble around his chin is obvious by the 5th movie. Can you imagine what he would be like in the 7th and 8th movie by 2010? Harry Potter would have a beard. They would also have difficulty hiding Hermonie's boobs by then. Ron would look like . . . well still Ron; because the child actor looks like a unwashed, homeless hobo half the time so that is ok.

Luna Lovegood would be . . . .hmm well, also Luna Lovegood since the actress Evanna Lynch looks half mad (although surprisingly adorable, judging from a insane person's perspective) even off-screen.

(b) So what do they call the two movies? "Harry Potter : Deathly Hallows - Part 1 and Harry Potter : Deathly Hallows - Part 2?" Terrible. If they have any sense, they should call it "Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter - Battle of Hogwarts". Or better still, they should call it "Harry Potter - I am the nitwit who became annoying in the 5th book and should have been killed ages ago but saved by my friends, Doby, the entire Order of the Phoenix, a dragon, Luna Lovegood and her rabbit patronus, Neville "Metal Gear Snake Eater" Longbottom, and fuck, even Draco's mother helped me."
(c) I still say they should kill off Harry Potter at the end of Deathly Hallows. Yeah, that irritating fucker with a scar on his forehead should be killed long, long ago. Him and his his fat ass owl (who at least died early in Book 7) - the owl's only function in the book is to deliver letters. And a broom to Harry Potter. If I direct the last movie, it would be centred around Neville Longbottom who killed the snake. Neville is HARDCORE.
Till today, the saccherine sweet ending to Book 7 still gives me diabetes. Urgh.
And of course, Rowling's announcement that Dumbledore is gay still leaves me a bad taste in my mouth. They might as well add a gay scene involving Dumbledore in the last movie just to up the ratings. Ok, now that will be weird.
There are of course three challenges:
(a) All the actors and actresses are already too fucking old. I already shudder at the thought of seeing Harry Potter with a moustache in the upcoming 6th movie "The Half Blood Prince". Already, the stubble around his chin is obvious by the 5th movie. Can you imagine what he would be like in the 7th and 8th movie by 2010? Harry Potter would have a beard. They would also have difficulty hiding Hermonie's boobs by then. Ron would look like . . . well still Ron; because the child actor looks like a unwashed, homeless hobo half the time so that is ok.
Looking like a homeless hobo no matter how old he is. Sigh.

Luna Lovegood would be . . . .hmm well, also Luna Lovegood since the actress Evanna Lynch looks half mad (although surprisingly adorable, judging from a insane person's perspective) even off-screen.
She looks like she will start barking at the moon. In other words, like Rupert for Ron, Evanna is a perfect Luna till the last movie.

(b) So what do they call the two movies? "Harry Potter : Deathly Hallows - Part 1 and Harry Potter : Deathly Hallows - Part 2?" Terrible. If they have any sense, they should call it "Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter - Battle of Hogwarts". Or better still, they should call it "Harry Potter - I am the nitwit who became annoying in the 5th book and should have been killed ages ago but saved by my friends, Doby, the entire Order of the Phoenix, a dragon, Luna Lovegood and her rabbit patronus, Neville "Metal Gear Snake Eater" Longbottom, and fuck, even Draco's mother helped me."
(c) I still say they should kill off Harry Potter at the end of Deathly Hallows. Yeah, that irritating fucker with a scar on his forehead should be killed long, long ago. Him and his his fat ass owl (who at least died early in Book 7) - the owl's only function in the book is to deliver letters. And a broom to Harry Potter. If I direct the last movie, it would be centred around Neville Longbottom who killed the snake. Neville is HARDCORE.
Till today, the saccherine sweet ending to Book 7 still gives me diabetes. Urgh.
And of course, Rowling's announcement that Dumbledore is gay still leaves me a bad taste in my mouth. They might as well add a gay scene involving Dumbledore in the last movie just to up the ratings. Ok, now that will be weird.
Anything related to HP is earning big bucks. The producer probably realised that this would be their last chance to rob the die hard fans of their money, hence decided to do a double.
LV should do a collaboration with HP. The Harry Porter Limited edition wizard bag, wizard pochette, wizard luggage.
Don't give LV more ideas. That is actually a very good idea.
LOL... I bet you might be the one on W/L should LV have a HP collection.
Do you just added the pictures? She looks kinda bitchy now for her role.
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