Annual Protests in NY
Every year when the United Nations held its annual meetings from September to December, civil groups will hold protests outside the UN Building. It is a great time for protests because many heads of government/state will come to the UN to give their speeches. Not only that, the UN agencies have many famous figures as their ambassadors. For example, Angeline Jolie is the ambassador for UNHCR, U2's Bono is heavily involved in helping Africa and Bill Gates himself is often invited by the UN agencies to give speeches because he is the head of Gates Foundation - a key philanthropic organisation which gives fund to help the poor and needy.

So if you have a bone to pick with Angeline Jolie because you think Jolie sucks as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider ("Cradle of Life" is eye-scratching bad); or you think U2's music blows and has not had a proper hit since "With or without you" (which is true by the way); or if you have a BIG PROBLEM with Microsoft Windows and think the Microsoft Word Paper Clip that appears every time you types a document is bloody annoying, you just bring a board to outside the UN and protests against Jolie/Bono/Bill Gates and any president/pm/ministers that you like. I know I feel like carrying a board that says "Microsoft Vista must die" everytime my PC crashes on me.
Below are just some of the usual protests. The NYPD actually allows tourists to walk around and take photos:
It is never a dull day in NY. Crazies, anti-crazies and the anti-anti-crazies. Besides the annual protests, there are also lots of religious crazies walking around parks and in the subway. I met one quite funny religious crazie in the train that kept yellig at a woman for wearing a low cut-shirt that shows off her ample bosom. Funny.
That religios congregation is actually scary.
I don't mean to offend anyone but there is a very thin line between religion and cult.
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