2008 Macy's Parade
I am feeling really down lately. Won't discuss the personal issues here of course. But career wise, I have possibly reached all the milestones. Perhaps it is time for a job-change or at least a change in scenery. Life is essentially becoming a case of shadow and echo, and I am hard pressed to think of the next milestone that I should strive towards. I guess that is what makes life meaningful; always striving for the next milestone.
Since I am in NY for Thanksgiving, I attended the 2008 Macy's Parade. You might have already seen Macy's Parade on the TV. If you recall seeing some Parade with GIANT balloons of popular TV characters, that is the Macy's Parade.
Macy's parade started in 1924 when Macy's employees marched to Macy's flagship store on 34th Street in Manhattan dressed in vibrant costumes. At the end of the parade, Santa Claus was welcomed into Herald Square to symbolise the coming of Christmas. In 1927, the Parade began to feature big balloons which were breathtaking. And every year since, each Parade will feature a new character.
So, kicking off the parade is a couple of big Macy's balloons.
Then a couple of pumpkins floated back.

Snoopy! WWI Fighter Pilot Snoopy. You can't see it but Snoopy's friend Woodstock was infront of Snoopy.

Look at the size of Snoopy. Think he is about to step on someone.
I have no idea what is the fish doing here. Sponsored by Sakae Sushi perhaps?
For the life of me, I forgot the name of this school girl TV character.
Energizer bunny. And then . . .
He turned around in circles and circles before moving off. Brilliant!
Sesame Street characters also appeared to say hi.
Big Hello Kitty. A lot of girls squealed in delight. Kitty looked good for her age.
Or summon his other Pokemon friends. Like the duck who just walks around looking stupid.
AARGH. I am going to eat everyone as revenge for making me so cute.
I hope the wind catches him and tangles him up in electric wires to become spongebob fried pants.
Since I am in NY for Thanksgiving, I attended the 2008 Macy's Parade. You might have already seen Macy's Parade on the TV. If you recall seeing some Parade with GIANT balloons of popular TV characters, that is the Macy's Parade.
Macy's parade started in 1924 when Macy's employees marched to Macy's flagship store on 34th Street in Manhattan dressed in vibrant costumes. At the end of the parade, Santa Claus was welcomed into Herald Square to symbolise the coming of Christmas. In 1927, the Parade began to feature big balloons which were breathtaking. And every year since, each Parade will feature a new character.
So, kicking off the parade is a couple of big Macy's balloons.
First to come is Smurf. Are they back in vogue, like Transformers and Polly Pockets?
Oh, forgot to mention. I think more than half a million people thronged the streets to see the parade. If you want to be right at the front row, you must start waiting in the cold, wintery morning at 6 am. The good thing about being infront is that you get to see not just the balloons close-up but also all the bands, performers and entertainers. Apparently, Hannah Montana was there. I went there at 9 am and I was stuck several rows back. I didn't mind, because if you are infront, your ears will freeze off since there is no one shielding you from the winter breeze.
Snoopy! WWI Fighter Pilot Snoopy. You can't see it but Snoopy's friend Woodstock was infront of Snoopy.
Look at the size of Snoopy. Think he is about to step on someone.
Here comes Pikachu. This is one big Pokemon.
The news said that US is in recession. It looks like a happy recession to me. Sponsorship in NY is still strong while our Xmas decor in Orchard is sad looking.
You can't compare chingay to this. You pay $45 to watch chingay while this is free. Hence, most singaporeans have never watch chingay live. I think chingay should be free for all to watch.
Typically when one starts looking for new direction or purpose, marriage comes into picture. Either that or you end up with a SERIOUS hobby, like me.
Sales volume from Black Friday are generally the same as last year. But I think many people are still not feeling the bite of recession yet. Luxury retailers are however scaling back their famous parties and launches. So it will take a while to hit.
I can't believe that we have to pay $45 to watch Chingay. Macy's Parade is free for all to watch and 6 million times better.
I prefer a serious hobby to marriage.
LOL... I am trying to get back to my serious hobby. Let's see how long I can last this time.
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