Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Teachers and principals suck as parents

Ah . . . . . . Peace on earth as I sent my nemesis Onion to attend all the BS events which I was invited to. I can finally munch my sandwich in peace.

Onion told me that his mum is a teacher and vice-principal of some school. Dad is in the police.


I always believe that teachers and principals make the worst parents. Onion is not the only person I know with a teacher as a parent. There are others - almost all equally annoying as Onion with a Texas-sized ego to boot. There used to be this guy called Dandruff which was an absolute weirdo back home who doesn't bathe or wash his hair, has big-ass dandruff problem. His dandruff problem is so awesome that his dandruff flakes are like SNOW FLAKES. When he walks, the drandruffs leave a trail behind him like Hansel and Gretel leaving breadcrumbs in the forest. The Snow Queen got nothing on him. He treats women colleagues badly, used vulgarities against them indiscriminately and above all, is an absolute pyscho-stalker of woman whom he thinks are interested in him.

Then this other friend I know with parents as teachers, turns out to be a pervert with a fetish for women's undies. Tried to shoplift some women's undies at some shopping centres about 6 years back and got busted. Straight As student somemore. He was actually not a bad guy - sort of nice and mousy (nothing wrong with that) - but I have no idea how he got such fetishes from.

And this chap with a famous professor as a father turns out to be a loser-slacker who doesn't want to work and spends his days leeching his parents.

Terrible. You would think teachers make good parents. I think almost all suck. Maybe it is the stress of facing 30+ kids everyday that one takes it all out on the kid when he or she returns home.


Blogger vanilla said...

oh shit... bad news for me..

9:30 AM  

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