Movie on the Plane - Cyborg She

You see, at roughly 20 minute into the movie, I was so annoyed by the ho-hum plotline and inane Japanese dialogue that I wanted to switch off and just sleep the hell flight through. But since the other movies are sucky and I have slept enough, I decided to sit through it just a little bit more.
A little bit became an hour more, and so on until I finally finished it. When I stepped off the plane, I still had little opinion of it. But the crazy thing is that now I can't get it out of my head. Slowly and surely, the saccherine sweetness of the movie begins to seep in and leaving me with a nice, fuzzy sensation. I even downloaded the theme song into my Ipod. Yeah, crazy I know. I am not the type that enjoys chick flicks and sappy Jap and Korea movies.
The movie is directed by the same guy who directed "My Sassy Girl". So basically you can guess the plotline - just substitute the crazy girl in "My Sassy Girl" with a futuristic cyborg and you get "Cyborg She". The plotline is straight forward (or so it appears in the beginning). An old and crippled scientist in the future created a cyborg based on the image of a mysterious girl he met a long time ago and send her back into the past to save his young self from all the disasters that befall him and also right the wrongs that he could recall e.g. save a boy from being crushed by a bus etc. The usual jokes along the way, which are not funny at all.
Jokes aside, the movie's storyline has several twists which is extremely far fetched and straight-up ridiculous but now that I think about it, I can forgive and overlook most of its flaws. You see, the whole movie hinges on the question on whether the cyborg can love a man, being a machine and all. So for an hour, you will be asking yourself "can she feel love?" and "will they have a good ending?" and so on and so forth. You really can't help it since the key characters dominate the entire movie, so eventually you came to care for the boy and his cyborg.
The fake ending when it comes, is extremely predictable. But after I sit through to the true ending to learn the story twist, it leaves me with a 70% sweet and 30% bitter taste which is a pretty good way to end the movie.
This is one movie which you really must sit through to the very last line. All in all, this movie rewards patience. I will buy the original DVD so yeah, that shows you a lot. By the way, this movie will make Japanese men become more obsessed in anime robots than usual since with such a lovely and loyal cyborg, who needs real girls?
I am so skeptical about watching this cause I had watched, "My girlfriend is a cyborg", featuring the korean star, Rain.
I really tried hard to sit thru the whole movie and to be honest, I can't even remember if I have finished it or not.
Story is about 2 mental patients and it is so bizzare that I was frowning most of the time.
Ooh, I heard about that. I heard it is quite good! I don't think you would like Cyborg She but it has its quirky charms. There is great chemistry between the two actors.
Can you help me check whether the DVD of cyborg she is out?
"My gf is a cyborg" is good cause Rain is the lead actor.
Rain had a concert in Singapore months back and the tickets were snapped up real fast. An average ticket is about $500. There are also VIP tickets that were not release to public and they were rumoured to be $800 per ticket.
Will check out on the DVD of cyborg she.
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