The Slovakian Date
Yeah, I have no idea where is Slovakia. The only thing I know about Slovakia is that Liverpool has a player from Slovakia called Martin Skertel. And its capital is Bratislava which is where THE HOSTEL is. Remember the movie???? Yeah, that Slovakia.
She will only be in town for 3 weeks so it will be perfect for me. No long term obligations. Since she is into musicals and watching a musical on Broadway is on my list-to-do list in NYC, we decided to go watch a musical. Our first choice was this show which stars the Harry Potter actor (Daniel Radcliffe) himself. Apparently Harry Potter gets naked for the last couple of minutes of the show but it is a play not a musical. Since we cannot imagine sitting for 2.5 hr just hearing dialogue after dialogue, we decided to find a musical on Broadway. She had watched Phantom and Mama Mia costs US$210 per ticket. US$210!!!! Why don't they just buy a fruit knife and rob the bank?
So, we chose Chicago.

I have never, never been a fan of musicals. And I am still not after spending US$89 per ticket (x2 since I paid for her) watching a musical that stretched from 8 pm to 10.30 pm. I think it is an immense waste of time and money. I don't find it entertaining and I keep thinking that I could buy and watch the whole box set of Audrey Hepburn movies from Laos for just US$40. I guess this sort of entertainment is just too high-brow for me. People say I should learn to appreciate the songs, the dance and the stage set. My reply back then and still is today, is:
Can Neo stop bullets in a musical? Hell, no. Movie magic rules. People who tell me to appreciate the marvellous set on stage can go stuff their pretend high-class head into the sand and let me beat it with a shovel. Movie beat musical hands down like T-Rex taking on a hamster. The only way the hamster can win is if the T-Rex got lost on the way to the battlefield.
For the sake of it, here are some pics of Ambassador Theatre. The place is packed to the rafters. New Yorkers love their Broadway.
I don't think she enjoyed the musical also since her English is decent but not super fluent and those people in Chicage are just singing too fast for her to follow.
The entertaining segment of the evening came when we saw the street busker drumming pans and pails. And a black kid was simply dazzling in his footwork and dancing.
After couple of minutes, a group of Jewish boys (easily identified by their distinctive skullcap called a Yarmulke) spontaneously joined in and showed off their skills. It was an amazing show of spontaneity.
The next time we go out again, we are going to watch a proper movie. We are going to watch this movie:
I cringed just looking at the "Saw" poster. Me not a musical fan but given a choice, I don't mind sleeping through the musical than watching "Saw".
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