Some pictures of the people of NYC. One thing that the movies and TV shows got it right was that there were lots of homeless and mentally imbalanced people in NYC. There are a lot of disabled people on wheelchairs begging for money claiming to be war veterans. There are also many homeless (hobos) around that smelled really bad and pushed trolleys around stuffed with their belongings.

The first mad person that accosted me was this guy in blue sweater that walked around with a sign saying "Jesus Christ died for our sins. Repent now." I took a picture of his back as you can understand, it is kind of tough to take a full and frontal picture of a Jesus nut. This was outside the New York Library. Notice everyone giving the nut a wide berth. Sometimes, I wonder how much tragedy it will take to drive a person to walk around all day waving a sign around and being treated as invisible.

And we have a picture of this bag lady who tottered across the road carrying her belongings in her bags.

And the saddest mad person I met is this guy who was literally stumbling around from trash can to trash can, fishing for whatever leftover he can find and eating it straight away. He appeared heavily drunk and walked around in a stupor.

And a picture of rather fat New York cops buying donuts (what else).
On a brighter note, a pic of Iron Man again!
As if NY is a crime-free society that the cops need not run after criminals. Stop loading on donut.
As if NY is a crime-free society that the cops need not run after criminals. Stop loading on donut.
Seu blog e muito bom
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