It is snowing / Punisher - War Zone
I just watched Punisher - War Zone two hours ago. There is something to be said about going into something with no expectations. If you have no expectations, you cannot be disappointed.
And c'mon, it is the Punisher. My favourite hero from Marvel. Superman and Spiderman, superpowers and all, are certifable wimps compared to the Punisher. This is seriously the best movie I have watched this year since the Dark Knight.

The whole movie is a 100 minute rollercoaster ride of blood and brain spill. It is violent and fun. If you cannot appreciate this movie for its sheer tongue-in-cheek violence, I should feel your pulse because you must be officially dead. The storyline is simple - Punisher basically kills everybody. EVERYBODY. How's that for awesomeoness? The whole audience was basically cringing from the first minute to the last as Punisher basically "off" everyone by shooting their heads, blowing things up, clefting heads with an axe, punching a doper's head till it burst against a wall, and throwing a thug off the building and he got impaled on spikes. And then Punisher jumped, stomped and broke the dying man's neck. LOL! And the brilliant thing is that this movie was directed by a woman. Who says women cannot direct violent movies that are true to the comics?
Movie is super slow here.
Probably this will never be screened or heavily censored over here.
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Sorry, something is wrong with my PC. My comments repeated 3 times and I had to delete 2.
A definite must-watch. At least for guys. You are off to Japan?
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