Breakfast at Tiffany

Lots of kebab and hotdog joints. They say 3 in 4 people in Manhattan are not New Yorkers but people from other parts of US and the world.
Tiffany is still in the same place as was in 1961 when Holly Golightly decided to eat a crossiant infront of it.

I am suddenly nostalgic of those days in Laos when I can easily sit back in my sofa and watch Audrey Hepburn movies till late night. All this probably mean that I need a holiday.

So Lord of the Rings in NZ, Harry Potter in London, Da Vinci Code in Paris and Breakfast at Tiffany in New York. Looking for famous fim locations around the world is quite enjoyable actually. New York is the setting for thousands of movies but for me, it has always been associated with the image of Hepburn, in her famous little black dress, eating a croissant outside Tiffany.

Fifth Avenue seems to have changed a lot since wisp-thin Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard walked down it. No more "Don't Walk" signs around.
I am surprised that it took Armani so long to come over to 5th Avenue. Everyone else is here.
Lots of kebab and hotdog joints. They say 3 in 4 people in Manhattan are not New Yorkers but people from other parts of US and the world.
Tiffany is still in the same place as was in 1961 when Holly Golightly decided to eat a crossiant infront of it.

I am suddenly nostalgic of those days in Laos when I can easily sit back in my sofa and watch Audrey Hepburn movies till late night. All this probably mean that I need a holiday.
The actual building is actually very imposing - solid grey walls with impregnable steel door which looks like it is designed to withstand a dinosaur. Or legions of poor tourists. No wonder Holly Golightly merely stood outside and just gazed at the jewellery.
And just opposite Tiffany, with all its neon lights blazing, is the evil empire Louis Vuitton.
I shall be the Queen of the evil empire.
Did you know that LV produced a bag called speedy 25 for Audrey Hurburg (sorry, can't spell)and that bag was so successful that Speedy in various sizes came out after that. Till today, Speedy is still well received bag and it is still selling in store.
fwah... so many mistakes in the above. OH well, must be my headache.
Didn't know that.
Well, Wiki says that Audrey Hepburn carried one of the first Speedys in the 1963 movie Charade. I remember the movie but not the bag (obviously).
i love audrey hepburn
WOW!!!! I managed to leave a comment here!!! Hi Hi Hi CO!!!!!
And I love LV the evil empire too!!! Since vanilla is the queen, I shall be the princess!
Um, hello - evil queen and princess.
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