Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra is a book by McCullough. The reasons why I bought the book in New Delhi were as follows:

(a) Books are cheap in India. A new book is only around S$10 where in places like Borders in Singapore, you get fleeced S$25+. Ouch-a-rama.

(b) I read the previous book by McCullough named "Song of Troy". The book is about the Trojan War and it was brilliant. The action never let up and her description of the Trojan war was so good that you could easily imagine the swirl of dust and the thundering sounds of battle.

(c) The back cover of the book is filled with praises. Daily Mail said "it piles on the drama".

God, the book sucks. I know I am in trouble when I reach page 20+. It is so boring I ended up clipping my toenail just to avoid reading it further. The first few chapters are all about Antony moving to the East to collect money for his coming war against Octavius and Cleopatra bitching about her life. It is like reading a company's year end account. Snnoooooozzzzze. Absolutely nothing happens. And I have 560 pages more to go.

And the language is too modern for an epic set in the 40 BC. I shall read the following paragraph:

"Pah!" spat Antony. "Where's Plancus?"
" Here, Antonius!" said Plancus, going to embrace Libo. "Isn't this nice?"
Very nice, though Antony sourly. Four servings of syrup.

Syrup? I have no idea how and where syrup suddenly comes into the picture. Antony might as well ask for mee rebus with extra lemon. Why did Antony suddenly want four servings of syrup?

Check out another paragraph:

(From Drusilla to Octavius) - "I am straying in the Elysian Fields," she said, allowing him to guide her. "So much trouble and expense on my behalf? Caesar, I looked at you and loved you, but now that I know that everyday that I am with you will see me love you more."

BARF. I am clipping my toenails again.


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