Watchmen and Pics of Indian Village

Watchmen is hands-down, the best movie in 2009. Ok, so I am stretching it a bit since we are only in March. But given that Transformers 2 is going to be the worst movie in human memory (remember you hear it first here) and G I Joe looks like it is just a typical action movie, there does not look like any movie in 2009 that could better Watchmen. Unless they can come up with Rambo V in 2009 which involves John Rambo solving the global financial crisis by killing all the bankers, property and insurance agents in Wall Street and Shenton Way (OMG, I totally reserve all intellectual property rights on this storyline), there is no better movie than the Watchmen 2009. Visually stunning, wonderfully-developed characters and an intriguing storyline and finale, the Watchmen is second to none, first among equals. The movie shall usher in an epoch of creative movie-making, love and world peace. Ok, stretching a little.
Speaking of world peace, I passed by a typical Indian village in Bodh Gaya. I am not sure which is worse-off; a Lao village or an Indian village. Both have buffalos walking lazing around (hey, I wonder how is Daisy doing outside my house in Laos) and poor villagers either sleeping or doing their chores slowly.
Dirt path going into the village.
People can actually sleep outdoor in the heat.
Indian woman in saree wondering what I was doing.
Small shops selling things nobody is buying. Typical.
Do these pple ever worry about tomorrow or tomorrow is just another day?
I honestly don't know how they get by day after day. What I heard is that most sink into debt which they never could hope to repay unless something dramatic happen e.g. government pardon the debts or relative struck it rich because their sons managed to get a good job etc.
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