Harry Potter books I to III - summarised
This is embarrassing. I still haven't finished the sixth book in the Harry Potter series i.e. HP and the Half Blood Prince. It has been what, 2 years? I just couldn't finish it because it is so fucking boring. It has been laying on my table for the longest time, taunting me in a nonchalant manner, forever a mark of my incompetence. It wasn't like this, you know. I read the other books in the HP series within days once they were out because they were fantastic but ever since the shitty book "Order of the Phoenix" came out, I just find the whole story line painful and draggy. Half-Blood Prince is just . . . . a fucking pain in the ass and I am just not motivated to finish it. Speaking of which, someone said that Harry Potter Books are difficult. Please. Allow me to summarise them:

HP and Philosopher's Stone

Dumbledore : You, the boy with the scar on your head. Come to magic school.
Harry : My parents are wizards? Cool.
Ron : Hi. I am poor and irritating.
Hermione : Hi. I am smart.
Harry : You are irritating also.
Hermione : Yep, I know.
Voldemort : I wish everyone would quit calling me you-know-who. I got pride, you know.
Harry : You killed my parents. Prepare to die. When I find you, of course.
HP and Chamber of Secrets

Dumbledore : You are late for school. We are looking for a secret room.
Harry : ssdssrdisdosdsddssssss (parseltongue)
Lucius Malfoy : Say what, bitch?
Ginny : Hi. I love Harry. Save me.
Lucius : Bitch.
Voldemort : Christ, when am i going to get a proper fucking body?
Harry : You killed my parents. Prepare to die. I am going to kill your memory first.
HP and Prisoner of Azkaban

Dumbledore : A killer is loose. He killed your parents. Er, we think.
Harry : He killed my parents. Prepare to die.
Hermione : Let's go back in time to save a horse.
Cho Chang : Hi.
Harry : Woah.
Sirius : I am your godfather. I didn't kill your parents. Although I am also a dog.
Voldemort : I am not even really in the fucking book. Some respect here, people!
Dementors : OOooooooooohhhhh.
Hmm, can't even remember much of the rest of the books. The Half-Blood Prince book is looking at me again. Drat.
Yes... saw that thick book.
Wait for the movies to summarise the story la.
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