It was such a rainy day on Friday that all I wanted to do was to curl up in bed, bury myself underneath all the pillows and comforter and just sleep through the whole day. But since I still need the job, I have to drag myself out of bed, climb into a suit and walk to work in the rain with the rest of NYY's grumpy population.
NYC is a dog city. The people here love dogs and it is a common sight to see a woman walking her nicely manicured dog with a poo-bag in hand just in case the dog decided to take a poo. If an army of aliens from Mars landed in New York as their first destination, they would speak to the dog instead of the human because the dog was clearly in charge. See this guy below shielding his dog with an umbrella. Unbelievable. I am not sure who is the pet here.

"Would you like a biscuit, master?"
I am not an animal lover. It doesn't mean I drown hamsters and kick squirrels for fun. It just does that I do not like to dodge dog poos on the pavement and don't think humans should pamper their pets to such an extent.
One of my friends decided to drive to Woodberry Commons on Saturday. They called me up at 8.10 am and asked me to run to the car rental company to rendezvous with the rest. Yawn. To make it worse, it is another cold and foggy day.
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, is an outlet centre located in Central Valley in New York. Every single brand is here, except strangely LV. You name it, they are all here. Nike, Jimmy Choos, Kate Spade, Coach, Calvin Klein, Anna Klein, Timberland, Burberry, Benetton, French Connection, Gucci, Guess, Chico's, Cloe, Esprit . . . . whatever. The young intern girl from my office looked like she was in paradise / nirvana / some pink place with lots of Hello Kittys. Everything is at least 40% cheaper. An Calvin Klein suit is only US$199. Levi's jeans is only US$30. Amazing.
I would have been happy but I have a problem.
My visit to Woodberry Commons make me realise that Americans are fat and with stumpy legs. Because I can't wear any shit off the rack. None of the Calvin Klein shirts fit me. The smallest suits there barely fit me right. Every suit there seems to be designed for a whale. Size 48 for a suit?? Why doesn't the person just wear a gunny sack over his body? And when I find a suit that finally fits me after 4 hours of searching (from Zegna), the smallest pant that goes with the suit is like 3 sizes too big. And when the pant and suit fits, the pant is two inches too short. I think the designers have fat dwarves in mind when making their clotes. Bloody hell. It only reaffirms my belief that I can only get tailored clothes.
So I ended up buying just one pair of shoe, which is admittedly a wonderful pair of shoes from Cole Haan which costs only US$99.

People are mad about coach bags. Queue outside just to go in an see.

While some people will see this as nirvana, I don't think I am coming here any time soon since I can't find shit to wear.