Crash - luckiest movie in history

Crash (2005 Oscar Best Picture)
Cast : Sandra Bullock and everyone else in LA. Lots of actors running around bumping into each other (literally) like dumbasses on caffeine.
In the movie, racist bigots damaged a conveniance store owned by Persians and wrote racist graffitis. The wife of the owner, who was wearing a tudung, cleaned the wall and said to her daughter "We are Persians. Why do they think we are Arabs?"
Quick quiz : How many of you know where do Persians come from and the difference between Persians and Arabs?
As I thought. Sometimes Singaporean education system isn't as strong or broadminded as we think it is. Singaporeans have this belief that we are "global minded" but sometimes we made racist comments without even realising it. To say that a Persian is no different from an Arab is to say that Singaporeans and China Chinese are the same. I hear that from dumbass foreigners all the time and it is as insulting like hell. By the way, Persians are from Iran.
Welcome then to Crash. A movie in which racial tensions in LA were played out in six+ story lines and characters met each other in a random fashion. A rich tai tai (Sandra Bullock) thinks every person of color will rob her. A bitter cop (Matt Dillon) stops motorists simply because they're black. A well-to-do African-American couple (Terrence Howard, Thandi Newton) argues about how black they are. A detective (Cheadle) worries he has turned his back on his community and family. And my favourite, the bitter Persian conveniance shop owner who bought a gun, can't really understand English and thought that all Americans are racists and cheating bastards.
How did this story win the Best Picture? Beats me. Oh, don't get me wrong, the movie is good. The dialogue is sharp and exposes the inevitable direction which society is taking (towards a bigoted route as races of men interact with each other in a global community). Ignorance + poverty + social pressures = racial tensions. Nobody sets out in life to be a racist. It is more complicated than that. E.g. A racist cop, driven to prejudices against blacks due to injustices against his father, turned out to be courageous despite all. Saints to Sinners, Sinners to Saints in a blink of an eye in today's society.
But it should never had beaten Brokeback Mountain. The entire polygot acting ensemble looked like dumbasses who met on a blind date and acted out their roles in a storm of technicolour chaos. The acting from everyone is so stiff, you would thought they are card-board actors running around on remote in particular Brandon Fraser (that dumbass actor from the Mummy). How did Brandon Fraser get a job in Hollywood? The Guild of Actors should revoke his license and ban his ass from getting a job in Tinseltown. Instead, he keep getting plum roles like in Crash. And what's with Sandra Bullock? I used to like her. Now her acting just sucks. And I don't know about you, but 12 characters who kept bumping into each other in the entire freaking city of LA is just waay beyond coincidences for the audience to believe. Stupid.
It won the Oscars simply because Americans do not want their cowboys to be portrayed as gays. Period. In terms of power and social statement, Brokeback owned Crash's ass. Crash got lucky and will be remembered as the luckiest film in Oscar history. In another year, it would not even have been nominated. There is no justice in this world.
Didn't watch Crash.
Not quite my kind of movie leh.
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